Bargain Marge

C397PR170 Rectifier Semiconductor 5961011152436 Power Paragon *


Manufacturer Name: Powerex

Rectifier Semiconductor NSN: 5961011152436 P/N: C397PR170

3 in stock

SKU: C397PR170 Category:


Rectifier Semiconductor

NSN: 5961011152436

P/N: C397PR170, DCR855SG1111T-475, T74D104544, 22D1246, 22D1246-1, 88-6524

Overall length: 1.1 inch

Overall diameter: 2.25 inch

Terminal length: 11 inch

Voltage rating: 1,100 max nonrepetitive peak reverse voltage

and 1,000 max repetitive peak reverse voltage 

and 1,000 max breakover voltage, instantaneous

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 9 × 2 in


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