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The Singing Musician Level 4 SSA Choral Virtuoso Patti DeWitt


Manufacturer Name: Patti DeWitt, Inc.

The Singing Musician Choral Virtuoso Level 4 SSA Patti DeWitt

16 in stock


The Singing Musician
Level 4 Choral Virtuoso 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0974798981
  • ASIN: 0974798983
Patti DeWitt, Inc.
Student Edition 
State Adopted

The Singing Musician offers music reading exercises, literature in sequence, theory, music history, listening activities, vocal production, concert etiquette, expression, and creativity. Level 1 is written for the beginning choral student – it’s based on the Orff philosophy and uses Movable Do, solfege hand signs, open-fifth accompaniments, Orff orchestrations and Kodaly rhythmic syllables. It moves slowly and presumes no prior music reading knowledge on the part of the student. The series provides: An in-depth coverage of state and national standards and Sequential learning based upon music literacy skills.  Practice Material comes in multiple voicings at Levels 2-4.  The Literature supports the learning sequence, the ability to encourage, as well as, promote student independence and creativity. It is an objective, observable, and measurable assessment. A tool that lends itself to vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment throughout a school, district, and state.

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Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 × 12.5 × 1 in


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