Bargain Marge

Timken Tapered Roller Bearing 3110001005948 *


Manufacturer Name: Timken

Timken Tapered Roller Bearing NSN: 3110001005948 AFBMA class 2. Part Numbers include: GQ5742, MS19081-242, 12C29, 165338-5, and 3979-3920

4 in stock

SKU: 3110001005948 Categories: , ,


Timken Tapered Roller Bearing

NSN: 3110001005948, 3110001588255

AFBMA class 2.

Part Numbers include: GQ5742, MS19081-242, 12C29, 165338-5, and 3979-3920

Overall Width: 1.1875 inches

Bore Diameter: 2.25 inches

Overall Outside Diameter: 4.4375 inches

Backface Corner Radius: .125 inches

Standout Width : .25 inches

Cone Corner Radius: .14 inches

Cone Width: 1.183 inches

Cup Width: .9375 inches

Additional information

Weight 3.25 lbs


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